Eastern Tailed-Blue Butterfly

May 28, 2024

Exploring our micro world yesterday morning a blue flash of very small wings flitted by.  I followed a tiny butterfly as it zipped through the lower branches of short brush near a pond.  It eventually landed on a leaf very close to the ground and I s-l-o-w-l-y approached it with camera in front of my face.  I have found that a camera lens approaching is not as threatening as a human face so I approach a live macro subject with camera shielding my threatening eyes and mouth. I lay down on the ground which was still wet from the downpour an hour earlier to get a flat angle for a better photograph.  It kept its wings in an up position which is a far different display than the blue topside of the wings.  This Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly was a new one to me as was the crab spider I also photographed the same morning.  I love discovery.

Eastern Lights
Last Flight of Fall
Fall Arrangment

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