January 19, 2025
Rehoboth Bay Sunset
January 18, 2025
White-breatsed Nuthatch
January 16, 2025
Hi!! I saw one of these in Wilmington NC on Cardinal Drive in Oriole Drive. It appeared to be an exact vulture not far from my parents home. I am afraid of them. I did send the humane society an email a few minutes ago. I thought that it escaped from the Zoo.
Take Care, Alexandra
What a great shot! The much maligned Turkey Buzzard (around here). What magnificent birds. I love to watch them playing in the wind and circling. I have really grown to love them out in the country, since i see how wonderful they are. I always appreciated the great job they do of keeping things clean, but they are so sociable & friendly with each other… they have huge gathering parties and share with each other…
The cloak and dagger, bird of death, black sheep of the bird family.