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Black Rat Snakes

May 18, 2008

I’ll bet that most people don’t know that the Black Rat Snake, common in Delaware, is very good tree climber.  It actually will nest in trees sometimes.  If you walk in the woods in Delaware look up for snakes.





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  • Tony Pratt September 3, 2008

    That is a bad snake. How did u get so close, or did u just zoom in?

  • Jessica May 27, 2011

    I saw one of these while walking the other day. Thanks for making it easy to identify! He actually kind of curled up once he knew I was watching him, raised his head up a bit, and followed me from side to side as I semi-circled around him to get a good look. I know this is the snake because he was almost all black, but you could see some brown on him too! Thanks again 🙂

  • Michael May 29, 2011

    I saw a snake just like this while walking my dog this morning … and
    it looked liked it tryed to bite him … my dog that is. He saw him and wanted to get a better sniff … lol, and then I saw him strike at his front legs and chest … it startled me … and i pulled the dog back from it … dog seems fine … didnt know if it was going to hurt him.

  • Cydney July 13, 2011

    My mother recently had a hip replacement. She was walking out to the shed to put up her garden shers and she stepped on a huge black snake. It had to be at least 8 feet long. It didn’t harm her though. I guess he is used to people, or something. But let me tell you, it has had my whole family on our toes! Look out for them, they are where you least expect them to be!

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