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October 30, 2010

No, this is not a ghost but it is the scariest thing I photographed this past year so I am using it for my Halloween post. My family sat down for a picnic on a rocky hilltop ridge in Connecticut. We saw this Northern Cottonhead resting about a foot away from us, so we quickly moved to a safer spot. I went back for a few photographs, of course.

Early March Mood
More Pileated Moments
Pileated Moment


  • Eli October 31, 2010


  • Chris May 16, 2011

    Hey Tony was admiring a bunch of pics but my English jumped out as i thought these were Copperheads as opposed to Cottonheads? Since I’m no snake specialist I might be wrong. Great pic regardless. Hope to see you guys this spring/summer. If you ever need a place to stay you and Wendy are always welcome

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