Clouds In MY Coffee…er Marsh

May 24, 2024

After thunder showers this morning the sky began to break a bit, patches of blue punctuated by cumulus clouds and sun breaking through every now and then.  I thought it was a perfect time to put my drone up and get a different perspective on our coastal landforms.  I like to explore interesting scenes that the drone is capable of capturing because it can be in spots, both horizontally and vertically, that I cannot get to in person.  An example is shooting in the middle of a body of water anywhere from a few feet above the surface or a couple of hundred feet up.  I had my drone out over a marsh today and noticed interesting refections of the breaking sky in a marsh creek’s surface.  I like this image in black and white.  It has more visual appeal this way I think.  As I thought about what to say about this photograph Carly Simon’s “clouds in my coffee” came to mind.  She is quoted as saying this line is reflective of confusing aspects of life and love, things you can’t clearly see through.  I don’t pretend this interesting image is anything more than a visual usually not seen but if it provokes emotion enough to make one think a little more about the symbolism of refection and change, well so be it.  Dare I call that art?

Eastern Lights
Last Flight of Fall
Fall Arrangment

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