We have broken the brutal heat wave that went on for much of July here on the Delaware coast. At least for the next several days the forecast is for much more comfortable temperatures. As we sweltered our way through the past few weeks I recalled July 2019 when Pam and I were in Oregon touring the coast. Chilly weather, by east coast standards, ruled the day. We happened upon a very low tide morning on the beach and among the intertidal rocks in Ecola State Park. We were warned by a State Park Ranger that when the tide began to come back in it would do so very, very quickly. I was exploring one of the outermost exposed rocks that was full of anemones, sea stars, gulls, and a rich variety of seaweed when the water went from just above my ankles to above my knees in the matter of three waves. I took this photograph and quickly headed back to the beach as the rock became submerged again in a very short period of time. I love this scene and look forward to getting back to the west coast again.
March 2, 2025