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Eagle Launch

February 24, 2010

Another in the eagle series. Anybody getting tired of them yet?

Eagles 2.21.2010_022110_2232.1

Early March Mood
More Pileated Moments
Pileated Moment


  • nancy davenport March 3, 2010

    I was checking google for egret and heron images. I am currently aat an RV park near San Diego. There appear to be small egrets here as well as great white herons. After looking through the pics of others…I’m now confused. Can you tll me the difference between these birds…is it primarily size? Your pictures are fabulous. I post on Flickr under N&PDAV

  • Tony Pratt March 3, 2010

    Nancy, thanks for visiting my site and I hope you keep checking back for new photographs. Sorting out the many wading shorebirds can be a challenge. I rely on several bird guides. I use the Sibley Guide to Birds more than others now. Buy one and it will make your field identification a lot more easy. I am on Flickr as Tony Pratt DE Photographer.

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