Marsh Dragonfly

July 21, 2021

For those of you who view my photographs on a regular basis you have found that I like to photograph anything in nature that I find interesting or attractive.  I take my camera out in nature and look for subjects.   I usually have a subject or setting in mind when I set out but I’m open to possibilities as I explore a destination location.  I post images that I like and want to share that showcase the beauty of or interesting subjects in nature.  I note that when I post a sunrise or sunset landscape image I get an outpouring of likes.  People relate to the feeling that scene evokes.  I enjoy the warm feelings I get from all those likes, but I also love looking for variety in nature and I hope you like what I bring to the screen: I hope you share my joy in the variety in nature that is all around us.  We are currently ‘enjoying’ a very hazy sky these days in Delaware courtesy of the wildfires out west that are destroying thousands of acres of forests.  Sunrise and sunsets here are framed by a large red ball, the sun, that emerges through the haze above the horizon.  So I set out into a marsh yesterday morning to shoot a dragonfly on the tip of a grass or reed frond centered in the big red ball.  This is an image often created and I’ve shot it before but I wanted to do it better.  Alas, the dragonflies didn’t get the message and would not perch on the tips of the grass blades in the right position for me to isolate them in front of the sun.  Turning 180 degrees and taking advantage of the warm front lighting, I shot this little guy as it warmed its wings in the early day sun.  Who needs the silhouette who you have gray light on the face?

Eastern Lights
Last Flight of Fall
Fall Arrangment

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