
March 20, 2024

On the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, or close to the dates, people have found places where the sunrise lines up within a corridor.  Manhattanhenge is such a phenomenon when the rising and setting sun lines up perfectly with the east-west streets of the grid in Manhattan. Well right here in my back yard sunrise on both equinoxes, and a couple of days before and after, aligns with a gap in forest cover and comes up over the ocean with nothing but marsh and ocean between my house and the sun.  This rather drab photograph, taken with my drone this morning just as the sun tipped up above the edge of the sea, documents that marsh-henge sunrise this first full day of spring.  The barely lit and still quite brown marsh appears a little otherworldly, perhaps adding a little mood to this celestial event.  Happy spring!!

Early March Mood
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