Memorial Day Weekend Washout

May 29, 2021


As a lifetime beach fanatic, I have experienced many rainy Memorial Day weekends.  Checking wind gauges around the coast today revealed that a steady and strong northeast wind was blowing.  That, alongside the fact that Mike Seidel (ex WBOC weather guy) from the Weather Channel was broadcasting live from Rehoboth Beach showing the nation the big surf there, was enough to motivate me to brave the traffic from Lewes to Indian River Inlet.  Pretty much the entire east coast from South Carolina to Massachusetts was represented via license plates on Rte. 1 between Lewes and Dewey and it took me nearly an hour to get to the inlet.  But while others fought for outlet bargains I had the surf to myself.  It was windy and wild on the empty beach and I had to wipe my lens clean from the spray in the air every few minutes but the energized surf was beautiful to see.

Pileated Moment
Egret Watch

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