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Night Shift

April 6, 2008

We have bird feeders behind our house that attract (surprise, surprise) Eastern Gray Squirrels during the day.  Here one stops between mouthfuls to scratch at an incredible speed.  What may be a real surprise is that after the sun goes down and the Gray Squirrels bed down for the night, Southern Flying Squirrels visit the same feeders.  They are quick and very difficult to photograph in action, but I caught one last night as he prepared to leap from the tree to the feeder.  I’ll work on photgraphing one flying and will post it as soon as I succeed.  



Pileated Moment
Egret Watch


  • Denise Wachter Jones January 4, 2010

    I have never seen one of these before. I guess I better not feed my gray squirrels at night! I don’t kow how you ever caught this little guy but I bet a shot at a flying squirrel would really take some time and patience! Good Luck!

  • Barbara B. June 22, 2010

    I remember seeing a flying squirrel in its habitat in 5th grade behind the playground of Star Hill Elementary School in Camden. It flew like one of those track/wiffle balls from the tree to a bird feeder. I will never forget it.

  • Andre T April 28, 2011

    I came home this evening after a huge wind storm hit Ottawa Ont – Found a Bird House fell from my tree – went to pick it up only to find a Grey flying squirrel coming out of the nesting material from the fallen bird house – not sure if babies are present – what do I do now – try and put the house together and re-affix to tree – would the squirrel still accept her litter or better yet attack me .

    any suggestions please share –

  • Emery Styron June 15, 2011

    Hi Tony. Emery Styron here. I run a small outdoors magazine in Missouri called River Hills Traveler.We have need of a photo of a flying squirrel to illustrate a story. I came across your website and wondered if I could use this photo, with credit to your website. If there is a charge, please advise.

  • Kelley Clifford November 20, 2011

    Tonight saw our cat Stewart looking at the door that leads to our cellar. Heard some noise, reluctantly opened the door and there, on the very top rak was this big eyed, size of a chipmonk like animal. He had the black band from front to hind legs. Was definitely not a chipmonk or squirrel. As I thought it was a flying squirrel, looked it up on the net and sure enough. Hopefully all are lucky enough to see in wilderness let alone in your house.

  • Debbie Zuger January 9, 2012

    We have had 2 at our feeders every night. May have been here before and never oticed them. Was wondering why the bird feeder was turning around circles. My husband shined a bright light at the tree and I went around the other side of the tree peaking in with a flash light and there he sat crouched in the corner of the branch. His eyes where red, with the white underneath and gray like a squirrel. I turned a second and he was gone. Tonight we watched him come and get a seed and then back up the tree and did this many times but very fast. So great to see!!!

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