Oregon Coast

March 27, 2024

I have observed before that I love monochrome photographs but I find I seldom share any of mine.  I have also observed that I like a wide variety of photographic subjects, most often of scenes and objects in nature. I also love landscapes and seascapes but I look over the past few months (maybe more) of my social media posts and they are dominated by wildlife.  So, Pratt, diversify a little , would ya!! Maybe even throw in photos of humans every now and then (anybody want/need portrait work done?).  So today I share with you a scene from a trip Pam and I took along the Oregon coast in July 2019.  This Pacific scene was taken at Rocky Creek State Park, a few miles south of the town of Depoe Bay.  The sea and sky both were dramatic in the late afternoon light which made me think it would be best presented in black and white.  I suspect this image hits all tonal values from 1 to 9 on Ansel Adams Zone Scale.

Pileated Moment
Egret Watch

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