Reed or Bird?

March 6, 2021

detail of top photograph

The American Bittern uses an adapted trait called cryptic coloration to camouflage itself in the marsh when it feels threatened. I first learned about this trait at Hampshire College in the 1970’s from my professor, Dr. Raymond Coppinger, who was a major influence on my life although he never knew it.  Before I turned to coastal geology in college and then as my career path, I studied field ecology and, in particular, the re-emergence of coyotes in western Massachusetts.  I idolized Ray and he instilled in me the excitement of adventure and discovery in the natural world.  Nature photography has kept me linked to that excitement of discovery every time I go out in the field in search of subjects to shoot. I enjoy photographing landscapes, wildlife and the small ecosystems found through a macro lens.  Ray Coppinger is never very far from my mind when I am out shooting.  This is the power of good teachers.  They set us up for life.  Fredman brings that message to us consistently and I listen to his tales of great teachers and how they can get into the brains and souls of students.  Thanks to teachers for their dedication and life changing influences.

Now, back to the bittern.  If I tried to read it’s mind I’, sure it is thinking ‘you can’t see me but I see you.’

Egret Watch
What is Fine Art Photography
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