Reflections On A New Year

January 3, 2021




I believe we all benefit from artistic expression.  In whatever form, be it painting sculpturing, music, pottery, poetry, woodworking, prose, or really any creative endeavor that evokes emotion within you, artistic expression is a large part of being human. We often use our creative minds to share beauty, joy, sorrow, loneliness and many other emotions.  I am critically handicapped in my ability to draw (my drawn stick figures are barely recognizable as a rendering of a human), create music, write poems or prose, sculpt or create in any way other than through my photography.  So, sharing my inner feelings about transitioning from 2020 to 20121 I thought about some of my photographs that would represent my vision of the turning of the calendar from last year to this.  As my good friend and photography colleague Kevin Fleming said to me so many times when we shot together, put a verb in your images: photograph action in your scene that tells a story in a single image.  Playing off of that very good advice and thinking about what represents the old year and the new, I came up with these three images I photographed in Delaware’s wetlands.  To me 2020 is a year when we shivered and hunkered down as the Great Blue Heron expresses in the first image,  but the optimism of 2021, to me, is represented by the Egret taking flight and the GBH surging forward with thoughts of successful nourishment in its mind.  I hope this is how 2021 turns out.  For all of us.

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